The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority is governed by a 17-member Board of Directors. The Board establishes policy and provides direction to management, and its authority is plenary. Members of the Board are appointed by the Governors of Virginia and Maryland, the Mayor of Washington, D.C., and the President of the United States as follows:
- The Governor of Virginia appoints seven Members, subject to confirmation by the Virginia General Assembly;
- The Governor of Maryland appoints three Members;
- The Mayor of the District of Columbia appoints four Members, subject to confirmation by the D.C. Council; and
- The President of the United States appoints three Members with the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate.
Members' terms are for six years. and members can be reappointed once. The Board elects a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary, annually.
Thorn Pozen
Mark Uncapher
Paul Sheridan
Vice President and Secretary
Felice Smith
Editorial Section(s)