The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (Airports Authority) has prepared a Draft Supplement Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate Terminal B/C Redevelopment, Secure National Hall and Related Improvements project changes at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA or the Airport).


The Draft Supplemental EA supplements an EA and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) completed and issued in 2016. The original EA analyzed the redevelopment of Terminal B/C, including the replacement of 14 existing regional aircraft hardstand positions with 14 contact gate positions at a newly constructed concourse connected to the north end of Terminal B/C (New North Concourse).  Also included is the replacement of the existing three security screening checkpoints (SSCPs) at the connections between the National Hall and each Terminal B/C pier with two new SSCPs over the commercial and public vehicle arrivals level roadways and below the departures level roadways at the National Hall level. The project includes conversion of National Hall to a post-security secure area, allowing passengers to move between piers without having to pass through additional SSCPs.  In order to accommodate the New North Concourse and Secure National Hall, the project includes demolition of two hangars and the Airports Authority’s Corporate Office Building; modifications to the Central Utility Plant, airport security fence, and aircraft remain overnight parking locations; construction of new Taxiway N2; and removal of Taxiway S pavement from Runway 15-33 to Taxiway N. 


Since the 2016 EA and FONSI, the Airports Authority has identified a need for additional employee and crew parking resulting from the project and is now proposing the construction of a relocatable parking deck to accommodate this parking need. The proposed parking deck would consist of a modular deck supported by multiple steel columns requiring minimal ground disturbance. An access ramp would be constructed to provide access to the elevated parking areas. The structure would provide approximately 180,000 square feet on one additional level above grade, creating a two-level parking structure in place of surface parking. The elevated parking structure would provide approximately 550 additional parking spaces. Upon completion of construction of the project, the parking deck could become a permanent component of the economy parking lot or based on future demand could be designated for reuse in another location on-Airport. 


The Draft Supplemental EA evaluates existing conditions and potential environmental effects of the updated project. The Draft Supplemental EA was prepared pursuant to the requirements and guidelines of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Order 1050.1F, Environmental Impacts:  Policies and Procedures, FAA Order 5050.4B, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Instructions for Airport Actions, and the FAA Order 1050.1F Desk Reference.


Beginning May 15, 2020 the Draft Supplemental EA will be available for public review under the Environmental Information section of the Airports Authority website: Due to public health concerns associated with the COVID19 pandemic, the document will not be made available for physical review at publicly accessible locations. However, the Arlington County Public Library will make the document available on their website: For interested parties who do not have access to the internet, the Airports Authority will provide a hard copy of the Draft Supplemental EA. Please call Thomas Wasaff (703) 572-0268 to coordinate distribution of a hard copy.


This public review and comment period is also being conducted pursuant to the 1987 Programmatic Memorandum of Agreement among the FAA, the Virginia State Historic Preservation Officer (VASHPO) and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (as regards Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 – 36 CFR 800).  The VASHPO and the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR) have determined that the proposed project would not have an adverse effect on historic resources.


Comments on the Draft Supplemental EA may be submitted to Thomas Wasaff, Planning Department, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, 45045 Aviation Drive, 3rd Floor, Dulles, VA 20166, or by e-mail to All comments must be received no later than 5:00 PM, June 15, 2020.