Sky Chefs Building Demolition Memorandum of Agreement

Washington Dulles International Airport


The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (the Airports Authority), as owner and operator of Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD or the Airport), is proposing demolition of the Sky Chefs Building, formerly the Gladieux Corporation In-Flight Kitchen (Proposed Action), due to structural and safety deficiencies. No new construction is currently proposed as a part of the Proposed Action. Redevelopment of the site is likely to occur at some point in the future.

Demolition of the existing Sky Chefs Building would result in the removal of a contributing element of the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligible Dulles Airport Historic District. Consultation with the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR), as the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), was initiated December 12, 2017. The VDHR, through the signing of a Statement of Concurrence on January 4, 2018, acknowledged review of project documentation and confirmed agreement with the administrative and consultative processes related to the demolition of the existing Sky Chefs Building and potential future redevelopment of the site. VDHR concurrence also demonstrates the Airports Authority’s continued compliance with the terms of the 1987 Programmatic Memorandum of Agreement (PA) in regards to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).

To codify the commitments in the Statement of Concurrence, a project specific Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Airports Authority, VDHR, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been drafted. The project specific MOA contains stipulations applicable to the demolition of the Sky Chefs Building and defines Section 106 consultation requirements for the design and construction of any replacement structure proposed by the Airports Authority. The draft project specific MOA is consistent with the 1987 Programmatic MOA and is available for viewing on the Airports Authority website ( or may be made available by contacting Tom Wasaff (703) 572-0268. The ongoing consultation and the Statement of Concurrence signed by VDHR, and the stipulations included in the project specific MOA drafted and reviewed by the Airports Authority, VDHR, and FAA, would address the adverse effect the Proposed Action would have on the Dulles Airport Historic District.

Beginning October 15, 2021 the draft MOA will be available for public review under the Environmental Information section of the Airports Authority website: Comments may be submitted to Tom Wasaff, Planning Department, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, 1 Aviation Circle, Washington, DC 20001-6000, or by e-mail to [email protected]. All comments must be received no later than 5:00 PM, November 15, 2021.

Editorial Section(s)
Sky Chefs Building Demolition, Memorandum of Agreement Washington Dulles International Airport