9:00 a.m. Finance Committee Meeting
9:30 a.m. Business Administration Committee Meeting
10:00 a.m. Dulles Corridor Committee Meeting
10:30 a.m. Strategic Development Committee Meeting
11:00 a.m. Risk Management Committee Meeting
Virtual Meetings Using ZOOM Conferencing
“Due to the continuing effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the June 16, 2021 Committee Meetings of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority will be held as virtual meetings. You may access these meetings by following information provided on the Airports Authority’s website under the tab for Board of Directors Meeting Schedules and Agendas.”
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Passcode: 703390
Or Telephone:
USA 215 446 3649 US Toll
USA 888 557 8511 US Toll-free
Conference code: 9920925
9:00 a.m. Finance Committee Meeting1
Tab 1 Approval of Summary Minutes of the May 19, 2021 Finance Committee Meeting
New Business
Tab 2 Pre-Solicitation Terms for a Credit Facility for the Aviation Enterprise’s Variable Rate Portfolio
Andy Rountree Senior Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Giedre Ball Manager, Debt Program
Tab 3 Recommendation to Approve Submission of a Passenger Facility Charge Application for Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport to Fund a Portion of the Dulles Airport Metrorail Rail Line
Andy Rountree Senior Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Nora Richardson Frasca & Associates, LLC
Informational Report
Tab 4 Airport System Revenue and Refunding Bonds, Series 2021AB Transaction Results
Andy Rountree Senior Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Giedre Ball Manager, Debt Program
9:30 a.m. Business Administration Committee Meeting
Tab 5 Approval of Summary Minutes of the May 19, 2021 Business Administration Committee Meeting
New Business
Tab 6 Recommendation to Award a Sole Source Contract for Management and Operation of a Registered Traveler Program at Ronald Reagan Washington National and Washington Dulles International Airports
Paul Malandrino Vice President and Airport Manager, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport
Jeremy Meltzer Manager, Airport Administration, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport
Tab 7 Recommendation to Award Contracts for Parking and Shuttle Bus Concessions at Washington Dulles International Airport and Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport
Jenna Buckner Director, Commercial Parking
Bill Lanham Business Manager, Commercial Parking
10:00 a.m. Dulles Corridor Committee Meeting
Tab 8 Approval of Summary Minutes of the May 19, 2021 Dulles Corridor Committee Meeting
Informational Reports
Tab 9 Quarterly Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project Cost and Schedule Update for Phase 1 as of April 30, 2021
Drew Hascall Deputy Vice President for Engineering
Tab 10 Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project Phase 2 Cost and Schedule Update as of May 31, 2021
Drew Hascall Deputy Vice President for Engineering
10:30 a.m. Strategic Development Committee Meeting
Tab 11 Approval of Summary Minutes of the May 19, 2021 Strategic Development Committee Meeting
Informational Report
Tab 12 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Project Journey Status Update
Tom Beatty Deputy Vice President for Engineering
Richard Golinowski Vice President of Operations Support
11:00 a.m. Risk Management Committee Meeting
Regular Session
Tab 13 Approval of Summary Minutes of the May 19, 2021 Risk Management Committee Meeting
Informational Report
Tab 14 External Audit Report: Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, Passenger Facility Charges, and Agreed-Upon Procedures – Airport Use Agreement and Premises Lease
Alan Davis Vice President for Audit
Chris Gardiner GKA, P.C.
New Business
Tab 15 Recommendation to Award Contracts for Independent Audit Services
Alan Davis Vice President for Audit
Informational Report (continued)
Executive Session2
Tab 16 External Audit Report: Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, Passenger Facility Charges, and Agreed-Upon Procedures – Airport Use Agreement and Premises Lease
Alan Davis Vice President for Audit
Chris Gardiner GKA, P.C.
1All Committee Meeting times are approximate. The Committee Meetings may begin earlier or later than the scheduled times.
2Pursuant to Article IX, Section 3(g) of the Airports Authority Bylaws which permits the Board and its Committees to move into executive session for matters that the professional standards applicable to financial statement auditors, when conducting a financial statement audit, require to be discussed in executive session, and for matters that involve proprietary or confidential information of vendors or of the Airports Authority.