8:30 a.m. Board of Directors Meeting
9:15 a.m. Finance Committee Meeting
9:30 a.m. Dulles Corridor Committee Meeting
9:45 a.m. Strategic Development Committee Meeting
10:15 a.m. Risk Management Committee Meeting
Corporate Offices
Two Potomac Yard, 2733 Crystal Drive, Arlington, VA 22202
Fifth Floor Conference Rooms
8:30 a.m. Board of Directors Meeting
Tab 1 Minutes of the June 20, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting
Tab 2 Committee Reports
2.1 Business Administration Committee
2.2 Dulles Corridor Committee
2.3 Finance Committee
2.4 Joint Dulles Corridor and Finance Committee
2.5 Strategic Development Committee
Tab 3 Information Items
3.1 President’s Report (Oral)
3.2 Executive Vice Presidents’ Reports
Tab 4 New Business
4.1 Recommendation to Award Two Contracts for Insurance Broker Services
4.2 Approval of Acting Ethics Officer (Oral)
Tab 5 Unfinished Business (Oral)
Tab 6 Other Business & Adjournment (Oral)
9:15 a.m. Finance Committee Meeting1
Tab 7 Financial Advisors’ Report – Aviation Enterprise
Andy Rountree Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Mike Wheet Frasca & Associates, L.L.C.
Tab 8 Financial Advisors’ Report – Dulles Corridor Enterprise
Andy Rountree Vice President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Mike Wheet Frasca & Associates, L.L.C.
Jim Taylor Mercator Advisors LLC
9:30 a.m. Dulles Corridor Committee Meeting
Tab 9 Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project Monthly Cost and Schedule Update for Phase 2 as of May 31, 2018
Charles Stark Vice President, Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project
Tim O’Reilly Assistant Controller, Dulles Corridor Metrorail Project
9:45 a.m. Strategic Development Committee Meeting
Tab 10 Airline Business Development Information Report
Jerome L. Davis Executive Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer
Yil Surehan Vice President for Airline Business Development
Tab 11 Information on the Airports’ New Customer Mobile App and Demonstration
Gene Sutch Director, Revenue Strategy & Analysis
Justin Grasso UX/UI Developer
Tab 12 Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Project Journey
Roger Natsuhara Vice President for Engineering
Richard Golinowski Project Journey Integration Manager
Tab 13 Quarterly Update - Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Project Journey
Kevin Sharkey Turner Construction
10:15 a.m. Risk Management Committee Meeting
Regular Session
Tab 14 External Auditor Report: Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, Passenger Facility Charges, and Agreed-Upon Procedures – Airport Use Agreement and Premises Lease
Alan Davis Acting Vice President for the Office of Audit
Chris Gardiner GKA, PC
Tab 15 External Auditor Report: Audits of Airports Authority’s Retirement Plans
Alan Davis Acting Vice President for the Office of Audit
Graylin Smith SB & Company, LLC
Executive Session
Tab 16 External Auditor Report: Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards, Passenger Facility Charges, and Agreed-Upon Procedures – Airport Use Agreement and Premises Lease2
Alan Davis Acting Vice President for the Office of Audit
Chris Gardiner GKA, PC
Tab 17 External Auditor Report: Audits of Airports Authority’s Retirement Plans3
Alan Davis Acting Vice President for the Office of Audit
Graylin Smith SB & Company, LLC
Tab 18 Discussion of Pending Litigation and Related Legal Matters (Oral)4
Phil Sunderland Vice President and General Counsel
1 All Committee Meeting times are approximate. The Committee Meetings may begin earlier or later than the scheduled times.
2 Pursuant to Article IX, Section 3(g) of the Airports Authority Bylaws which permits the Board and its Committees to move into executive session for matters that the professional standards applicable to financial statement auditors, when conducting a financial statement audit, require to be discussed in executive session, and for matters that involve proprietary or confidential information of vendors or of the Airports Authority.
3 Pursuant to Article IX, Section 3(g) of the Airports Authority Bylaws which permits the Board and its Committees to move into executive session for matters that the professional standards applicable to financial statement auditors, when conducting a financial statement audit, require to be discussed in executive session, and for matters that involve proprietary or confidential information of vendors or of the Airports Authority.
4Pursuant to Article IX, Section 3(e) of the Airports Authority Bylaws which permits the Board and Committees to move into executive session for consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff, consultants and/or attorneys, pertaining to actual or potential litigation, pending or proposed legislation, compliance with a specific constitutional, statutory or judicially imposed requirement, or other legal matters, and discussions of such matters by the Board without the presence of counsel, staff, consultants, or attorneys.