Business Hours Requests
Please email us at for the quickest response.
Our office number, (703) 417-8370, is unattended. Callers will be instructed to use email or the links on this webpage.
Note: For media use only; all others please consult the company directory.
After-Hours Media Inquiries - All Topics
- Emails the on-call representative. Use for all liveshot / standup requests. During overnight periods, media outlets are ok to proceed with the liveshot provided this notification has been submitted and our media newsgathering guidelines are strictly followed.
- Alerts the media team when a response is urgently required. Learn more about reporting from the airport during an emergency.
Media Relations Team
Name | Position |
Rob Yingling | Director of Corporate Communications |
James Johnson | Media Relations Specialist |
Emily McGee | Media Relations Specialist |
Crystal Nosal | Media Relations Specialist |
Editorial Section(s)
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