Aviation Enterprise

Fitch, Moody’s and S&P Global Ratings have assigned the following municipal bond ratings to the Airports Authority’s Airport System Revenue Bonds:

Fitch Moody's S&P Global
AA- (Stable) Aa3 (Stable) AA- (Stable)

These ratings reflect only the respective views of the rating agencies as of the date of the respective reports. An explanation of each rating may be obtained from the respective rating agency. Click below to view the latest reports.

 Fitch – May 16, 2024   Moody's – May 14, 2024   S&P Global – May 9, 2024


Dulles Corridor Enterprise

Moody’s and S&P Global Ratings have assigned the following municipal bond ratings to the Dulles Toll Road Revenue Bonds:

  Moody’s S&P Global
First Senior Lien “A2” (Stable)  “A” (Stable)
Second Senior Lien

“Baa1”/”A1” (Insured)/(Stable)

"Baa1"/"A1" (Insured)/(Stable)

“A-”/”AA” (Insured)/(Stable)
Subordinate Lien “Baa2”/"A1" (Insured)/(Stable) “A-”/"AA" (Insured)/(Stable)

These ratings reflect only the respective views of the rating agencies as of the date of the respective reports. An explanation of each rating may be obtained from the respective rating agency. Click below to view the latest reports.


Moody's – March 7, 2025 S&P Global – September 18, 2024


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