We've seen them on television and in movies--stories chronicling the lives of young adults like the Nanny Diaries, Basketball Diaries, The Carrie Diaries, Princess Diaries and even The Vampire Diaries. This year, in the spirit of giving our interns a platform to share their stories, thoughts and observations about their experience with the Airports Authority, we're introducing The Intern Diaries.

Every summer, the Airports Authority welcomes interns from across the country representing various colleges and universities. This is your chance to learn a little more about the experiences of some of our interns, and to take pride in our internship program and the quality of students who choose to spend their summer with us. Enjoy!

madi wiernusz - intern

panisara min pummalee

anna piasek - intern

mohammad kitana - intern

allison_hall - intern

david dorsey - iintern

stephen brown - intern

garrett blevins - intern

Editorial Section(s)


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