Project Overview
- Solicitation
Type: - Request for Proposals (RFP)
- Solicitation
Issue Date: - October 17, 2019
- Deadline for
Proposals: - 9:00 AM (Eastern), November 15, 2019
- Submission
Location: - Electronic Submission - See RFP for details
- Project
Duration: - Two-year base period with one-year extension options
- Project
Summary: - The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (Airports Authority) is seeking to increase the participation of emerging underwriting firms on its financing teams. Emerging Underwriting Firms are defined as firms capable of performing underwriter services that have excess net capital for underwriting of at least $1 million but not more than $50 million for the issuance of its Airport System Revenue Bonds and Dulles Toll Road Revenue Bonds.
Pursuant to this Request for Proposals (RFP), the Airports Authority expects 1) to form an Emerging Underwriter Pool (Pool) from which syndicates will be selected for bond issuances during the term of the contract and 2) to select underwriter(s) from the Pool for syndicates for the 2020 bond transactions. Underwriters from this Pool selected to serve in the syndicates will work with syndicate members from the Airports Authority’s primary Underwriter Pool, management, the financial advisors and counsel on the Airports Authority’s bond transactions. Underwriters will be selected for a particular bond issue based on the experience and expertise of the firm and the type of bond and financing structure under consideration or rotational process. Such selection may be made with or without the issuance of a subsequent RFP with respect to the specific transaction or the need for interviews.
Requirement: - None
- Amendments
Issued: - None
Questions and Answers
- Deadline:
- All questions must be submitted by 12:00 PM (Eastern) October 28, 2019.
- Question Submission:
- The deadline for submitting questions has passed.
No further questions will be accepted. - Answered Questions:
Questions and Answers - October 28, 2019 (66 KB)
Registration & Planholders List
- Details:
- Show your interest in this solicitation by registering as a Planholder.
Registration will place your name on the Planholder List for this project and ensure that you receive notification of any amendments or other updates to the project which may be issued in the future. - Registration:
Please enter "RFP-19-16790" in the Solicitation Number field. - Planholder List:
Planholder List - November 13, 2019 (8 KB)
Solicitation Documents
- Registration:
- If you download the solicitation documents and are interested in submitting a response, please register as a planholder by clicking on the "Registration & Planholders" tab above and following the instructions.
PLEASE NOTE: If you fail to register, you will not receive notification of amendments, and failure to receive and acknowledge amendments may result in your submission being deemed non-conforming. - Base Solicitation Documents:
RFP-19-16790 (149 KB)
- Amendments to Solicitation:
- None
- Supplemental Information:
Policy Recommendation for Inclusion of Emerging Underwriting Firms in the Aviation Enterprise and Dulles Corridor Enterprise Capital Debt Financing Activities (483 KB)
Pre-Solicitation Terms to Establish an Emerging Underwriter Pool for the Aviation Enterprise and Dulles Corridor Enterprise (454 KB)
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- Technical Assistance:
- If you have any technical questions or need assistance with the document download process, please contact us via e-mail at [email protected] or call 703-417-8672.
Last Updated November 13, 2019
The documents posted on this page and the information contained therein shall not be published or redistributed in any medium without prior written consent of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority.