Project Overview
- Solicitation
Type: - Request for Information (RFI)
- Solicitation
Issue Date: - January 30, 2019
- Deadline for
Submissions: - February 28, 2019
- Background:
- The Airports Authority procures goods, services, construction, and concessions to support its operations. Currently, the contract lifecycle management process for the Airports Authority relies on various Microsoft products, including Word, Excel, and Outlook. The Authority does not utilize a comprehensive, integrated or centralized Contract Lifecycle Management System (CLMS), but instead uses these Microsoft products in conjunction with Workday Financials and B2GNow, a Supplier Diversity Management system, to solicit, account for, and report on contracting activity.
- Objective:
- The Airports Authority is interested in implementing a comprehensive, integrated CLMS to address all contract lifecycle stages and invites interested parties to respond to this RFI. The responses should include, at a minimum, how respondent’s CLMS addresses key contract lifecycle stages and capability to integrate with Workday Financials and B2GNow. Responses should also address any risks and challenges associated with these integrations.
The purpose of this RFI is to gather market research for the Airports Authority to gain an understanding of current functionality available in today’s environment in order to accurately and properly acquire a functional CLMS suitable for the Airports Authority’s needs. If the Airports Authority decides to solicit for a CLMS, information received may be used in developing the technical requirements in a separate solicitation.
Questions and Answers
- Deadline:
- All questions must be submitted by 3:00 PM (Eastern) February 11, 2019.
- Question Submission:
- The deadline for submitting questions has passed.
No further questions will be accepted. - Answered Questions:
Questions and Answers - February 7, 2019 (29 KB)
Questions and Answers - February 22, 2019 (41 KB)
Registration & Planholders List
- Details:
- Show your interest in this solicitation by registering as a Planholder.
Registration will place your name on the Planholder List for this project and ensure that you receive notification of any amendments or other updates to the project which may be issued in the future. - Registration:
Please enter "RFI-CLMS" in the Solicitation Number field. - Planholder List:
Planholder List - March 7, 2019 (9 KB)
Solicitation Documents
- Registration:
- If you download the solicitation documents and are interested in submitting a response, please register as a planholder by clicking on the "Registration & Planholders" tab above and following the instructions.
PLEASE NOTE: If you fail to register, you will not receive notification of amendments, and failure to receive and acknowledge amendments may result in your submission being deemed non-conforming. - Base Solicitation Documents:
RFI for Contract Lifecycle Management System (55 KB)
Help and Technical Assistance
- File Formats:
- Documents are in one or more of the following formats:
Adobe Acrobat PDF - Requires Adobe Reader version 5.0 or later.
You can download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader free of charge by clicking on the following link: Download Acrobat ReaderMicrosoft Excel - Requires Microsoft Excel 2000 or later.
Microsoft Word - Requires Microsoft Word 2000 or later.
- Technical Assistance:
- If you have any technical questions or need assistance with the document download process, please contact us via e-mail at [email protected] or call 703-417-8672.
Last Updated March 7, 2019
The documents posted on this page and the information contained therein shall not be published or redistributed in any medium without prior written consent of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority.