The following is a list of Orders and Instructions which may be applicable to contracts performed at Washington Dulles International Airport.
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Security, Badging and Access Control
AOA Vehicle Control Program, IAD 3-2-2C, Issued 03/22/2016 (10.4 MB)
Airport Identification Badge and Security Requirements, IAD 6-4-1, Issued 08/01/2022 (2.42 MB)
Key Control, IAD 6-4-2A, Issued 05/11/2021 (1.38 MB)
IAD Pass and ID Office Information and Badge Application Forms
Construction, Alterations & Repairs to Buildings & Structures, MWAA 6-3-1C, Issued 08/29/1991 (303 KB)
Fire System Shutdown Procedures, MWAA 5-1-3, Issued 08/03/1992 (382 KB)
Welding, Cutting and Other Open Flame Work, MWAA 5-1-1A, Issued 09/12/1991 (211 KB)
Airport Operations
Aircraft Deicing Locations, Fluid Use & Reporting, IAD 5-2-2F, Issued 08/14/2020 (788 KB)
Aircraft Towing Procedures, IAD 2-3-1, Issued 11/28/2022 (661 KB)
Delayed Enplaned Passenger Program, IAD 9-3-2A, Issued 03/07/2024 (670 KB)
Engine Run-Up for Aircraft Engine Maintenance, IAD 2-1-5A, Issued 02/14/2025 (904 KB)
Midfield Terminal Ramp Operations, IAD 2-1-4C, Issued 01/13/1997 (187 KB)
Mobile Lounge System Procedures & Operations, IAD 9-0-1B, Issued 05/10/2017 (39 KB)
Public Hours of Operations in Public Areas of Airports, IAD 6-6-1, Issued 09/16/2019 (592 KB)
Runway, Taxiway & Taxilane Closure, IAD 9-2-1A, Issued 10/06/2015 (1.69 MB)
Special Handling of Dignitaries and High-Risk Travelers, MWAA-9-4-2H, Issued 03/13/2024 672 KB)
Stranded Passenger Program, IAD 9-3-1A, Issued 05/19/2023 (689 KB)
Taxiing Aircraft Operations at Night, IAD 2-1-3A Issued 02/28/1997 (76 KB)
Use of Mobile Electronic Devices on the AOA, IAD 8-A, Issued 12/09/2009 (638 KB)
Wildlife Hazard Management, IAD 10-2A, Issued 08/08/2016 (460 KB)
Parking & Transportation
Employee Parking Permit Sales & Use, IAD 3-1-1GG, Issued 09/15/2014 (5.75 MB)
Hotel Courtesy Shuttle Passenger Drop-Off Location, IAD 7-5-1, Issued 07/05/2012 (261 KB)
Authorized Nonrevenue Parking in Airport's Public Parking Facilities, IAD 3-1-3F, Issued 11/17/2017 (588 KB)
General Information
Airport Workers Wage Program, MWAA 1-4-1C, Issued 03/07/2025
Baggage Presentation and Baggage Tub Usage, IAD 6-2-3, Issued 03/15/2012 (33 KB)
Commercial Photography, Video, & Television Filming, MWAA 7-4-1, Issued 07/29/2009
Fuel System Work Coordination, IAD 6-2-2A, Issued 09/27/2021 (896 KB)
Lost and Found Property Procedures, IAD 6-1-5, Issued 05/27/2008 (1.73 MB)
Media Access to Airport Facilities, MWAA 6-1-2, Issued 11/24/2023 (641 KB)
Rules of Conduct in Airport Terminals & Concourse Facilities, MWAA 8-1-2, Issued 02/23/2017 (70 KB)
Severe Weather Plan, IAD 4-5-7, Issued 06/04/2012 (1.42 MB)
Smoking Policy, IAD 6-1-3E, Issued 03/01/2025 (698 KB)
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Drones & Model Aircraft, IAD 2-2-1A, Issued 02/19/2021 (1.04 MB)
Utilities Revenue Metering, IAD 6-2-1, Issued 04/20/2007 (1.77 MB)