Notice of Public Scoping Workshop
Environmental Assessment for Roadway Network Improvements and Associated Development
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport


The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority is preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) of potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed Roadway Network Improvements and Associated Development at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA). The Proposed Action includes a number of roadway improvements, including: a realignment of West Entrance Road, with a new interchange at Airport Access Road (Route 233); the construction and operation a consolidated rental car facility (ConRAC); and a connector garage between existing Parking Garage A and Parking Garage B/C. Additionally, the Proposed Action requires a number of enabling projects related to these improvements, including: interim temporary roadway improvements; the construction of two temporary parking decks; demolition and the relocation of maintenance buildings and shops; and the construction of a temporary surface parking lot. The Proposed Action would not affect aircraft operations, and would not increase the number of existing or forecast aircraft operations by time of day, aircraft type, or stage length.  A portion of the Proposed Action could be constructed in an existing floodplain.

The EA is being prepared pursuant to the requirements and guidelines of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Order 1050.1F, Environmental Impacts Policies and Procedures; and FAA Order 5050.4B, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Instructions for Airport Actions.

The EA will include an assessment of historic and archaeological resources potentially affected by the proposed action consistent with provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 (as amended), and pursuant to the terms of the Airports Authority’s Programmatic Memorandum of Agreement (PA) regarding Section 106 of the NHPA. Consultation pursuant to the PA will be conducted separate from but concurrent with the EA. This letter serves as notification that the Airports Authority is initiating consultation under the PA.The need for the proposed roadway network improvements is to address on-Airport traffic conditions, public and employee parking deficiencies, and rental car capacity constraints. The proposed improvements would seek to reduce traffic and congestion and enhance safety of the terminal roadway system, increase passenger and employee parking capacity, provide adequate and convenient on-Airport facilities for rental car companies, and enhance the overall customer experience.

The Authority invites the public to attend a workshop that will be held on Wednesday, October 18, 2017, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Historic Main Terminal adjacent to Terminal A at DCA. Representatives from the Authority and its Consultant Team will be available to answer questions throughout the public workshop, and graphics will be on display illustrating the Airport, the preliminary purpose and need for the proposed improvements, alternatives considered, the Authority’s preferred alternative based on previous studies, the EA and scoping processes, and the schedules for the EA and implementation of the preferred alternative.

An opportunity to submit written comments will be provided during and after the public workshop.  Written comments may be submitted to Erik N. Schwenke, Planning Department, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, 1 Aviation Circle, Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Washington, DC 20001-6000, or by e-mail to  Comments must be received by 5:00 PM Eastern Time, Thursday, November 2, 2017.

Those interested in attending the public workshop who have special communication or accommodation needs are encouraged to contact Virginia Jackson of Ricondo & Associates, Inc. at (404) 662-2857, x201or at least 2 days prior to the workshop.  Every reasonable effort to accommodate special needs will be made.